Client Applications

HOWTO: Customize Nuxeo Mobile Workflow Tasks Layout

Updated: March 27, 2025

The Nuxeo Mobile application is deprecated.

Since the version 1.13.0 on iOS and 1.11.0 on Android, workflows defined in Nuxeo Studio can be processed by users from the mobile application.

To enable the processing of tasks on mobile devices, the tasks mobile layout need to be defined.


Before you start, please follow this how-to to create a complete workflow.


Define the Task Layout

The format of the layout is a JSON object with the list of task fields and properties to display. For more information on the format of the layout, read the Workflow Task Layout documentation.

On the Studio Designer side:

  1. Go to Resources tab
  2. Under Workflow section, go to contractvalidation
  3. click on CREATE
    A pop-up window appears, select an Empty File with the name of the related task and the JSON format.


The name of this file should match the filename of the .html task file.

Add the following content to this file to allow selecting the contract type in the task:

  "name": "nuxeo-task879",
  "layout": [
      "metadata": [
          "label": "Type of contract",
          "field": "type",
          "type": "directory",
          "properties": {
            "multivalued": false,
            "required": true,
            "placeholder": "Select the contract type...",
            "directoryName": "type",

Save and deploy your package.

Test Your Configuration

Open your Nuxeo Mobile application and set your local URL.
It can be found on IP tools according to your OS, ex:

it will work only on Android as iOS will block any http connection except localhost. For iOS, there are third party tools such as and to easily have a https server.

On your Nuxeo Platform instance:

  1. Create a document type Contract
  2. Start a workflow contractValidation
  3. Assign the review to Administrator.

Once it's done, on your mobile application:

  1. Log in as Administrator
    On the first page you can see your pending tasks.
  2. Go to your task on the contract document and click on the overflow button > Start Process.

A task is assigned to the Administrator. When opening this task, it should look like this:


Task Layout Example

Here is an example of an exhaustive task layout.

   "name": "nuxeo-task879",
   "layout": [
           "metadata": [
                   "label": "Text field",
                   "field": "contract_name",
                   "type": "text"
                   "label": "Text area",
                   "field": "contract_comment",
                   "type": "textarea"
                   "label": "Integer input",
                   "field": "contract_priority",
                   "type": "integer"
                   "label": "Double input",
                   "field": "contract_rating",
                   "type": "double"
                   "label": "Boolean (switch)",
                   "field": "contract_confidential",
                   "type": "boolean"
                   "label": "Html text",
                   "field": "type",
                   "type": "htmltext"
                   "label": "Date",
                   "field": "contract_expiration_date",
                   "type": "date",
                   "label": "User picker",
                   "field": "contract_reviewers",
                   "type": "user",
                   "properties": {
                       "multivalued": true,
                       "required": true,
                       "placeholder": "Select reviewers",
                       "type": "suggest"
                   "label": "Group picker",
                   "field": "contract_reviewGroups",
                   "type": "group",
                   "properties": {
                       "multivalued": true,
                       "required": true,
                       "placeholder": "Select reviewers groups",
                       "type": "suggest"
                   "label": "User/Group picker",
                   "field": "contract_reviewUserGroups",
                   "type": "usergroup",
                   "properties": {
                       "multivalued": true,
                       "required": true,
                       "placeholder": "Select reviewers groups",
                       "type": "suggest"
                   "label": "Directory with selectable vocabulary",
                   "field": "contract_type",
                   "type": "directory",
                   "properties": {
                       "multivalued": false,
                       "required": true,
                       "placeholder": "Select the contract type...",
                       "directoryName": "type",
                       "type": "select"
                   "label": "Directory with search & suggestion",
                   "field": "contract_type",
                   "type": "directory",
                   "properties": {
                       "multivalued": false,
                       "type": "suggest",
                       "suggestionPlaceholder": "this is a suggestion",
                       "required": true,
                       "placeholder": "Select the contract type...",
                       "directoryName": "type"
                   "label": "Document suggestion (add 1 or more)",
                   "field": "contract_type",
                   "type": "directory",
                   "properties": {
                       "multivalued": true,
                       "type": "suggestAll",
                       "suggestionPlaceholder": "Add 1 or more documents",
                       "required": true,
                       "placeholder": "Add a document to the task"

For development purposes, you can directly edit the JSON files on your Nuxeo Server. The task layout is retrieved each time you view a document.

Related Documentation