Release Notes
This page mentions what's new. Refer to the upgrade notes to transition to this version.
NodeJS 18 Upgrade
Starting from Web UI version
released in March 2024, functional tests written on top of Web UI for your projects will require to use NodeJS 18. Please refer to the upgrade notes for detailed information.
Recently Released Changes
What’s New in Web UI for LTS 2023 (Version 3.1.17)
- Improved RTL support in Quill editor for proper text alignment, list formatting, and overall direction handling.
Other Noteworthy Changes
Fixed an issue where the restore operation incorrectly used the current document's ID instead of the previous version's ID. Now, the correct previous version ID is passed and the document is restored without unnecessary checkout.
Resolved an issue where the arrow key navigation caused two documents to be highlighted simultaneously. Now, only the currently selected document is highlighted correctly.
Fixed issue for date picker where dates were not getting applied on first click.
Fixed error in saved searches when the author was deleted.
The contrast of data table headers has been improved to comply with AA accessibility standards, ensuring better readability and visibility.
Previous Release Notes
Version | Summary |
Web UI 3.1.16 | RTL Support for WebUI, CSP changes and bugfix release |
Web UI 3.1.15 | CSP changes and improvements release |
Web UI 3.1.13 | Improvements and bugfix release |
Web UI 3.1.13 | Security and bugfix release |
Web UI 3.1.12 | Security and bugfix release |
Web UI 3.1.11 | WEB UI Improvement and bugfix release |
Web UI 3.1.10 | Saved searches can be restored and executed when using vocabularies with multiple levels, ellipsis and tooltips prevent long labels from being cut off in selection |
Web UI 3.1.9 | Security and bugfix release |
Web UI 3.1.8 | Accessibility improvements and bugfix release |
Web UI 3.1.7 | Bugfix release |
Web UI 3.1.6 | NodeJS18 upgrade, accessibility improvements and bugfix release |
Web UI 3.1.5 | Polymer version upgrade, accessibility improvements and bugfix release |
Web UI 3.1.4 | Bugfix and accessibility improvements release |
Web UI 3.1.3 | UI elements keep track of protected properties when a document goes under retention |
Web UI 3.1.2 | Initial release for Web UI on LTS 2023 |