
Messaging system

Updated: October 18, 2024

Different Nuxeo services rely on a messaging system, this is the case for the WorkManager, Nuxeo Stream and the Bulk Service, the PubSub services and the KeyValue Store.


When running in cluster mode, the Nuxeo nodes need to communicate so the following services work in a distributed way:

  • The WorkManager can distribute its Works among nodes and share a common state.
  • Nuxeo Stream and the Bulk Service distribute processing among nodes and handle failover.
  • The KeyValue Store is shared by all nodes and used by different services like the Transient Store.
  • The PubSub Service is used to distribute cache invalidation among nodes.

There are two main options for the messaging system, Kafka or Redis.

Redis Kafka
WorkManager Capacity limited by Redis memory Recommended
Nuxeo Stream/Bulk Service Using local file system (Chronicle Queue) processing is not distributed Recommended
PubSub Redis PubSub Kafka
KeyValue Store Redis Data Storage (MongoDB or PostgreSQL)

Nuxeo Platform has built-in critical features (Document trashing, CSV export, document deletion etc.) relying on the Nuxeo Platform Bulk Service. The bulk service is implemented with Nuxeo Stream that provides two implementation: Kafka and Chronicle Queue.


Nuxeo Stream is shipped with Kafka implementations and brings more resilience and a greater distribution capability, for example, having several consumer threads for the same queue. For this reason, deploying Kafka is highly recommended to enable distributed processing on Nuxeo Stream and improve resiliency.

Kafka in the Cloud
You can consider Amazon MSK or Confluent Cloud for Kafka as a managed service to go with Kafka.

Consequently, we recommend:

  • Kafka for the WorkManager, Nuxeo Stream / Bulk Service and the PubSub.
  • MongoDB for the KeyValue Store.


Since Nuxeo Platform LTS 2019 (10.10), Kafka is recommended in cluster mode so the Bulk Service can be distributed and handles failover between Nuxeo nodes.

When used as WorkManager implementation you can safely stop a Nuxeo node anytime without being worried of losing any processing.

When the KeyValue store relies on the repository's backend, you don't need a Redis cluster anymore.

Alternative configuration using Redis (No Kafka)

Technically, when not using Kafka, Nuxeo Stream relies on Chronicle Queue. Both implementations work in unit tests, but we discourage the use of Chronicle Queue on a production setup:

  • The Chronicle Queue storage is local to the node, it is not replicated and in case of file system failure, scheduled processing are lost. More concretely while indexing processing is reproducible, a deletion of folders that would be missed will be missed forever. The system won’t be able to capture the user intent, in case of damage on the hard drive of the Nuxeo node.

  • Asynchronous jobs (content indexing, thumbnail computations, etc…) cannot be distributed. Any processing submitted on a front node will be executed in the same node, in the same JVM, providing limited experience in case of massive bulk import, content re-indexing, bulk processing with the upcoming “Select All“ capability in user interface, up to system not responding, not serving web pages.
  • Nuxeo don't provide backup restore procedures related to a set up leveraging Chronicle Queue. Nuxeo doesn’t provide recommendation on the required disk space of the Nuxeo node in case of using Chronicle Queue in production

In this last scenario:

  • Redis is used for the WorkManager, the PubSub service and the KeyValue store
  • Chronicle Queue runs Nuxeo Stream and its Bulk Service