
Nuxeo Server LTS 2021 Release Notes

Updated: September 26, 2024

This page relates to the release notes of Nuxeo Server and related addons for LTS 2021 cycle. It will list the improvements and features that are successively shipped with the 2021.x releases.

Oracle Linux 7 Upgrade
Starting from LTS 2021.54 released in May 2024, we will be transitioning our LTS 2021 Nuxeo Server distributed Docker image from CentOS 7 to Oracle Linux 7. Please refer to the upgrade notes for detailed information.

Upgrade Notes
This page mentions what's new. Refer to the upgrade notes to transition to this version.

What's New in LTS 2021.58 / LTS 2021-HF58

Make Bulk Scroller Use a Specific Kafka Configuration

The Bulk Scroller is now using a slow consumer Kafka configuration

 More on JIRA ticket NXP-32702

Boolean Property Set to a Random String Value Using the Document REST API Should Throw an Exception

Boolean primitive type validation now relies on the nuxeo.primitive.type.strict.validation nuxeo.conf property, allowing to throw an error when decoding a string input as a boolean.

By default, it is set to false, keeping the previous behavior: at a low level, when trying to decode a string input as a boolean, fall back on 0 if the string cannot be decoded as a boolean, e.g. "foo".

If set to true, in such case, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

Consequently, when executing a REST API:

  • search request on a PageProvider and passing "foo" as a query parameter for a predicate on a boolean field or
  • create a document request and "foo" as a value for a boolean property

The server will respond with a 400 Bad Request status code.

 More on JIRA ticket NXP-32663

Allow to Configure the Content Security Policy With nuxeo.conf Parameter

A new nuxeo.conf property allows to override the default Content Security Policy: data: blob: *; default-src blob: *; script-src 'nonce-dummy' 'unsafe-eval' 'strict-dynamic'; style-src 'unsafe-inline' *; font-src data: *

 More on JIRA ticket NXP-32652

Learn More

More information about released changes and fixed bugs is available in our bug tracking tool.

Upgrade Notes
Refer to the LTS 2021 upgrade notes to transition to this version.

LTS 2021 Release Notes summary

Version Release date
LTS 2021.60 / 2021-HF60 2024-09-23
LTS 2021.58 / 2021-HF58 2024-08-12
LTS 2021.57 / 2021-HF57 2024-07-22
LTS 2021.56 / 2021-HF56 2024-07-08
LTS 2021.55 / 2021-HF55 2024-06-10
LTS 2021.54 / 2021-HF54 2024-05-20
LTS 2021.53 / 2021-HF53 2024-04-29
LTS 2021.52 / 2021-HF52 2024-04-08
LTS 2021.51 / 2021-HF51 2024-03-18
LTS 2021.50 / 2021-HF50 2024-02-26
LTS 2021.49 / 2021-HF49 2024-02-05
LTS 2021.48 / 2021-HF48 2024-01-08
LTS 2021.47 / 2021-HF47 2023-12-18
LTS 2021.46 / 2021-HF46 2023-11-13
LTS 2021.45 / 2021-HF45 2023-10-23
LTS 2021.44 / 2021-HF44 2023-10-02
LTS 2021.43 / 2021-HF43 2023-09-11
LTS 2021.42 / 2021-HF42 2023-08-21
LTS 2021.41 / 2021-HF41 2023-07-31
LTS 2021.40 / 2021-HF40 2023-07-17
LTS 2021.39 / 2021-HF39 2023-06-20
LTS 2021.38 / 2021-HF38 2023-05-30
LTS 2021.37 / 2021-HF37 2023-05-09
LTS 2021.36 / 2021-HF36 2023-04-17
LTS 2021.35 / 2021-HF35 2023-03-27
LTS 2021.34 / 2021-HF34 2023-03-06
LTS 2021.33 / 2021-HF33 2023-02-13
LTS 2021.32 / 2021-HF32 2023-01-24
LTS 2021.31 / 2021-HF31 2023-01-09
LTS 2021.30 / 2021-HF30 2022-12-12
LTS 2021.29 / 2021-HF29 2022-11-23
LTS 2021.28 / 2021-HF28 2022-11-07
LTS 2021.27 / 2021-HF27 2022-10-10
LTS 2021.26 / 2021-HF26 2022-09-19
LTS 2021.25 / 2021-HF25 2022-08-29
LTS 2021.24 / 2021-HF24 2022-08-08
LTS 2021.23 / 2021-HF23 2022-07-18
LTS 2021.22 / 2021-HF22 2022-07-04
LTS 2021.21 / 2021-HF21 2022-06-07
LTS 2021.20 / 2021-HF20 2022-05-16
LTS 2021.19 / 2021-HF19 2022-04-26
LTS 2021.18 / 2021-HF18 2022-04-04
LTS 2021.17 / 2021-HF17 2022-03-14
LTS 2021.16 / 2021-HF16 2022-02-21
LTS 2021.15 / 2021-HF15 2022-01-31
LTS 2021.14 / 2021-HF14 2022-01-10
LTS 2021.13 / 2021-HF13 2021-12-16
LTS 2021.12 / 2021-HF12 2021-12-01
LTS 2021.11 / 2021-HF11 2021-11-08
LTS 2021.10 / 2021-HF10 2021-10-14
LTS 2021.9 / 2021-HF09 2021-09-28
LTS 2021.8 / 2021-HF08 2021-09-06
LTS 2021.7 / 2021-HF07 2021-08-16
LTS 2021.6 / 2021-HF06 2021-07-16
LTS 2021.5 / 2021-HF05 2021-07-01
LTS 2021.4 / 2021-HF04 2021-06-16
LTS 2021.3 / 2021-HF03 2021-05-18
LTS 2021.2 / 2021-HF02 2021-05-11
LTS 2021.1 / 2021-HF01 2021-01-21 - Initial release