
LTS 2021.40 / LTS 2021-HF40

Updated: March 17, 2025

What's New in LTS 2021.40 / LTS 2021-HF40

Add a nuxeo.conf property to expose the final Blob URL

When activating direct download, the final blob URL can be exposed with a nuxeo.conf property.

To expose the final Blob URL, use the following nuxeo.conf property:

 More on JIRA ticket NXP-31987

Fix ORA-03146 When Setting a CLOB in a Prepared Statement

Added a new property to use setClob method in PreparedStatement for Oracle.

Added a new property to use the setClob method in PreparedStatement for Oracle. Defaults to false.

To use setClob method, configure in nuxeo.conf:

 More on JIRA ticket NXP-31955

Fix BulkMigrator Service in Cluster Mode

BulkMigrator now works in cluster mode

 More on JIRA ticket NXP-31946

Update ImageMagick in 2021 Docker Image

ImageMagick was updated to in the Nuxeo Docker image.

 More on JIRA ticket NXP-31919

Fix Unit Tests With 2021.36 on H2 With Schema Named Rights

H2 reserved table names are now avoided in Nuxeo.

 More on JIRA ticket NXP-31907

Document Move Should Scale and Be Asynchronous

Moving large folder is now more scalable and asynchronous

 More on JIRA ticket NXP-31893

Add an Extension Point to Configure the Properties Returned by checkFileInfo

Allow to update properties returned by the CheckFileInfo WOPI call

You can now contribute a class to the WOPIService to be able to update the default computed properties returned by the CheckFileInfo WOPI call

<extension target=org.nuxeo.wopi.WOPIService point=checkFileInfoUpdater>
  <checkFileInfoUpdater class=org.nuxeo.wopi.MyCustomCheckFileInfoUpdater />

The new class must extend org.nuxeo.wopi.CheckFileInfoUpdater and implement the only method Map<String, Serializable> update(Map<String, Serializable> checkFileInfoProperties). This method will be called just before returning the computed properties to Office Online allowing to update any property.

 More on JIRA ticket NXP-31852

Management API Endpoint for Nuxeo Properties

Introducing a new management/configuration endpoint

Nuxeo instances can now dump their configuration as json. Sensitive informations are redacted based on key pattern and also on value pattern.

a simple get is enough:

curl -u <user>:<password> <nuxeoHost>:8080/nuxeo/api/v1/management/configuration

 More on JIRA ticket NXP-31783

Rest API Calls Should Not Return Exception Messages

The nuxeo conf property "" is available to hide exception messages at Rest API level

See documentation

 More on JIRA ticket NXP-31672

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