
LTS 2021.55 / LTS 2021-HF55

Updated: March 17, 2025

What's New in LTS 2021.55 / LTS 2021-HF55

Make Sure Unit Tests Are Run in a Predictable Order

Unit tests are now executed in alphabetical order

 More on JIRA ticket NXP-32576

Backport HttpClientTestRule Improvements

Introducing HttpClientTestRule to execute HTTP requests in tests

We introduce a new way to perform HTTP requests in tests that is aimed to replace BaseTest. This new API is more flexible by adopting a builder pattern like, it also brings HTTP request/response debug logging when the HTTP execution or the assertion in executeAnd* APIs fail, for instance:

2024-05-06 15:03:53,254 [main] ERROR [HttpClientTestRuleLogger] An error occurred during HTTP request execution or during HTTP response handling: HTTP request: POST http://localhost:54822/api/v1/path/folder_0 HTTP/1.1 Headers: Authorization: Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpBZG1pbmlzdHJhdG9y X-NXDocumentProperties: dublincore Content-Type: application/json Body: { "entity-type": "document", "type": "File", "name": "newName", "properties": { "dc:title": "My title", "dc:description": " " } } HTTP response: 201 No Reason Phrase sent by Server HTTP/1.1 Headers: X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN Referrer-Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin X-UA-Compatible: IE=10; IE=11 Cache-Control: no-cache X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff Content-Security-Policy: img-src data: blob: *; default-src blob: *; script-src 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' data: *; style-src 'unsafe-inline' *; font-src data: * X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block Content-Type: application/json; nuxeo-entity=document Transfer-Encoding: chunked Date: Mon, 06 May 2024 13:03:53 GMT Connection: close Body: { "entity-type" : "document", "repository" : "test", "uid" : "0ae61509-4a87-4182-9630-a7f10fd395d9", "path" : "/folder_0/newName", "type" : "File", "state" : "project", "parentRef" : "bcebcc66-0bba-43b9-8607-a25da4d93b08", "isCheckedOut" : true, "isRecord" : false, "retainUntil" : null, "hasLegalHold" : false, "isUnderRetentionOrLegalHold" : false, "isVersion" : false, "isProxy" : false, "changeToken" : "0-0", "isTrashed" : false, "title" : "My title", "lastModified" : "2024-05-06T13:03:53.231Z", "properties" : { "dc:description" : " ", "dc:language" : null, "dc:coverage" : null, "dc:valid" : null, "dc:creator" : "Administrator", "dc:modified" : "2024-05-06T13:03:53.231Z", "dc:lastContributor" : "Administrator", "dc:rights" : null, "dc:expired" : null, "dc:format" : null, "dc:created" : "2024-05-06T13:03:53.231Z", "dc:title" : "My title", "dc:issued" : null, "dc:nature" : null, "dc:subjects" : [ ], "dc:contributors" : [ "Administrator" ], "dc:source" : null, "dc:publisher" : null }, "facets" : [ "Versionable", "NXTag", "Publishable", "Commentable", "HasRelatedText", "Downloadable" ], "schemas" : [ { "name" : "uid", "prefix" : "uid" }, { "name" : "file", "prefix" : "file" }, { "name" : "common", "prefix" : "common" }, { "name" : "files", "prefix" : "files" }, { "name" : "dublincore", "prefix" : "dc" }, { "name" : "relatedtext", "prefix" : "relatedtext" }, { "name" : "facetedTag", "prefix" : "nxtag" } ] } java.lang.AssertionError: HTTP response status mismatch, Expected :200 Actual :201 <Click to see difference> at org.nuxeo.http.test.handler.AbstractStatusCodeHandler.handleResponse( at org.nuxeo.http.test.HttpClientTestRule.executeAndThen(

Let say we have a test class testing or FooObject deployed at /api/v1/foo like this:

@RunWith(FeaturesRunner.class) @Features({ RestServerFeature.class }) public class FooTest extends BaseTest { @Test public void testObject() { try (CloseableClientResponse response = getResponse(RequestType.GET, "/foo")) { // Then it returns a OK assertEquals(Response.Status.OK.getStatusCode(), response.getStatus()); JsonNode node = mapper.readTree(response.getEntityInputStream()); // Then some assertion } } }

This would be replaced by:

@RunWith(FeaturesRunner.class) @Features({ RestServerFeature.class }) public class FooTest { @Inject protected RestServerFeature restServerFeature; @Rule public final HttpClientTestRule httpClient = HttpClientTestRule.defaultClient( () -> restServerFeature.getRestApiUrl()); @Test public void testObject() { httpClient.buildGetRequest("/foo").executeAndConsume(new JsonNodeHandler(), node -> { // Then some assertion }); } }

You can find all available APIs in our javadoc

 More on JIRA ticket NXP-32535

Forbid Jakarta Dependencies in Nuxeo Build

Jakarta dependencies not used by Nuxeo are now forbidden in the Maven build

 More on JIRA ticket NXP-32501

Upgrade or Remove Htmlunit From Nuxeo-Features-Test to Avoid Vulnerability

org.seleniumhq.selenium and net.sourceforge.htmlunit. are no longer dependencies of the nuxeo core platform modules

 More on JIRA ticket NXP-32447

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More information about released changes and fixed bugs is available in our bug tracking tool.