Entity Types

Updated: October 14, 2024

The Nuxeo REST API manages different entity types that define the resource representation managed by the endpoints.

General Resource Representation

Single Entity

  "entity-type": string,
  "properties": object,
  "contextParameters": object,
Property Name Value Description Notes
entity-type string The entity type name.
properties object A collection of key-value pairs of properties. Optional
contextParameters object A collection of key-value pairs filled by enabled enrichers. Optional

List Entity

  "entity-type": string,
  "entries": [
  "contextParameters": object,
Property Name Value Description Notes
entity-type string The entity type name.
entries[] list The list of entities.
contextParameters object A collection of key-value pairs filled by enabled enrichers. Optional

Paginable Entity

  "entity-type": string,
  "entries": [
  "isPaginable": boolean,
  "resultsCount", long,
  "pageSize", long,
  "maxPageSize", long,
  "resultsCountLimit", long,
  "currentPageSize": long,
  "currentPageIndex": long,
  "currentPageOffset": long,
  "numberOfPages": long,
  "isPreviousPageAvailable": boolean,
  "isNextPageAvailable": boolean,
  "isLastPageAvailable": boolean,
  "isSortable": boolean,
  "hasError": boolean,
  "errorMessage": boolean,
  "totalSize": long,
  "pageIndex": long,
  "pageCount": long,
  "aggregations": object,
  "quickFilters": [
      "name": string,
      "active": boolean
  "contextParameters": object,
Property Name Value Description Notes
entity-type string The entity type name.
entries[] list The list of entities.
isPaginable boolean Whether the entity is paginable. Value: the fixed boolean value true.
resultsCount long The total number of results.
pageSize long The number of results per page.
maxPageSize long The max number of results per page.
resultsCountLimit long The limit of the number of results beyond which the page provider may not be able to compute.
currentPageSize long The number of entities.
currentPageIndex long The current page index as a zero-based integer.
currentPageOffset long The offset of the first element as a zero-based integer.
numberOfPages long The total number of pages or 0 if unknown.
isPreviousPageAvailable boolean Whether a previous page is available.
isNextPageAvailable boolean Whether a next page is available.
isLastPageAvailable boolean Whether the last page can be reached.
isSortable boolean Whether the page provider is sortable.
hasError boolean Whether there was an error while getting the entities.
errorMessage string The error message.
aggregations object The aggregates, if any. See "page-provider-aggregates" Optional
quickFilters[] list The list of quick filters.
quickFilters[].name string The name of the quick filter.
quickFilters[].active boolean Whether the quick filter is active.
contextParameters object A collection of key-value pairs filled by enabled enrichers. Optional


The Nuxeo REST API communicates error messages through standard HTTP status codes paired with exception details.

  "entity-type": "exception",
  "status": long,
  "message": string,
  "stacktrace": string,
  "exception": object
Property Name Value Description Notes
entity-type string The entity type name. Value: the fixed string value exception.
status long The error HTTP status code.
message string A human-readable message about the error.
stacktrace string The entire stack trace in one string. Optional
exception string The entire stack trace wrapped into a nested object. Optional