JSF UI Deprecation
This requires to have the JSF UI addon installed on your server that is deprecated since Nuxeo Platform LTS 2019.
Please refer to the Web UI documentation.
Please refer to the Web UI documentation.
A series of widget types has been defined for the most generic uses cases.
Please refer to the tag library documentation available at http://community.nuxeo.com/api/nuxeo/7.4/tlddoc/ for Nuxeo JSF tags, and consider reading the page Default Widget Types Known Limitations.
You can also visit the Layout Showcase to get a visual tour of the most common widget types.
All widgets types available on your Nuxeo application are listed at http://NUXEO_SERVER/nuxeo/site/layout-manager/widget-types
Here is some documentation about the most common widget types that are used in the application:
- Default Widget Types Known Limitations — Some widgets have limitations in some specific conditions of use. We maintain a list of known problems here.
- Basic Widget Types — A series of widget types is available for the most basic uses cases.
- Listing Widget Types — A series of widget types useful for listings.
- Summary Widget Types — A series of higher-level widget types useful to display information on a document Summary tab.
- Tab Designer Widget Types — Some higher level widget types are useful to design tab content, and come as an addition to Summary Widget Types.
- Decoration Widget Types — A series of widget types that are only useful to handle display of subwidgets, or just add tags surrounding other widgets.
- Suggestion Widget Types — A series of widget types for suggestions.
- Aggregate Widget Types — This page presents widget types to be used to display aggregate buckets.
- Advanced Widget Types — A series of widget types for advanced usage.