Kafka configuration and integration with Nuxeo.
Kafka Setup
Nuxeo Stream (introduced in Nuxeo 9.3) requires Kafka 1.0.x.
In addition to a Kafka broker access Nuxeo Stream will also require a Zookeeper access.
Kafka broker need to be tuned a bit:
Kafka broker options | default | recommended | Description |
offsets.retention.minutes |
1440 |
20160 |
The default offset retention is only 1 day, without activity for this amount of time the current consumer offset position is lost and all messages will be reprocessed. To prevent this we recommend to use a value 2 times bigger as log.retention.hours , so by default 14 days or 20160 . See KAFKA-3806 for more information. |
log.retention.hours |
168 |
The default log retention is 7 days. If you change this make sure you update offset.retention.minutes . |
auto.create.topics.enable |
true |
This is not a requirement for Log, because topic are created from Zookeeper. |
Kafka Configuration
Access, consumer and producer properties are registered using the Nuxeo KafkaConfigService
extension point:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<component name="my.project.kafka.contrib">
<extension target="org.nuxeo.runtime.stream.kafka.service" point="kafkaConfig">
<kafkaConfig name="default" zkServers="localhost:2181" topicPrefix="nuxeo-">
<property name="bootstrap.servers">localhost:9092</property>
<property name="bootstrap.servers">localhost:9092</property>
<property name="request.timeout.ms">65000</property>
<property name="max.poll.interval.ms">60000</property>
<property name="session.timeout.ms">20000</property>
<property name="heartbeat.interval.ms">1000</property>
<property name="max.poll.records">50</property>
Here are some important properties:
Consumer options | default | Description |
bootstrap.servers |
localhost:9092 |
A list of host/port pairs to use for establishing the initial connection to the Kafka cluster. |
enable.auto.commit |
false |
The module manages the offset commit this is always set to false . |
auto.offset.reset |
earliest |
This option is always set to earliest |
request.timeout.ms |
30000 |
Requests timeout between client and Kafka brokers. |
max.poll.interval.ms |
300000 |
Consumers that don't call poll during this delay are removed from the group. |
session.timeout.ms |
10000 |
Consumers that don't send heartbeat during this delay are removed from the group. |
heartbeat.interval.ms |
3000 |
Interval between heartbeats. |
max.poll.records |
2 |
Can be adjusted to make sure the poll interval is respected. |
group.initial.rebalance.delay.ms |
3000 |
Delay for the initial consumer rebalance. |
subscribe.disable |
false |
Not a Kafka option, used by the module to disable the dynamic assignment, when this option is true LogManager will only support static partition assignment. |
Producer options | default | Description |
acks |
1 |
The number of acknowledgments the producer requires the leader to have received before considering a request complete. |
compression.type |
none |
Valid values are none, gzip, snappy, or lz4. Compression is of full batches of data, so the efficacy of batching will also impact the compression ratio (more batching means better compression). |
default.replication.factor |
1 |
Not a Kafka option, used by Nuxeo to set the topic replication factor when creating a new topic. |
, the default value is 1
which means NO replication.
With replication factor N, Kafka will tolerate up to N-1 server failures without losing record.
For instance if you have 3 brokers in your cluster a replication factor of 2 will tolerate a server failure.Please refer to the Kafka documentation about the consumer and producer options and replication for more information.
"No Redis" Nuxeo cluster
Redis is used for different things in Nuxeo, among them as a default key value provider. For now there is only one alternative for this service and it requires to use MongoDB.
Here is a possible "No Redis" Nuxeo cluster configuration:
# We use mongodb, this will switch the keyvalue provider and lock manager to mongodb:
# nuxeo.keyvalue.provider=mongodb
# nuxeo.lock.manager=mongodb
# Enable Kafka
# Enable the StreamWorkManager
# Use the Stream PubSub provider
# this will be used by cache and dbs invalidation
# Just to make it clear
The Kafka topic used by the PubSub Provider don't need to have a 7 days retentions, it is used to send instant message and its retention can be reduced at the Kafka level to 2 hours:
$KAFKA_HOME/bin/kafka-configs.sh --zookeeper <zk_host> --alter --entity-type topics --entity-name nuxeo-pubsub --add-config retention.ms=7200000