
Content View How-To Index

Updated: July 25, 2024

Title Excerpt Topics Level
HOWTO: Add a New Virtual Navigation Entry Learn how to configure a virtual navigation view with Nuxeo Studio. Content View, Virtual Navigation, Vocabulary Intermediate
HOWTO: Configure a New Default Search Form in the Search Tab Learn how to add a new search search Content View, Elasticsearch, Query Beginner
HOWTO: Configure a Search Filter With Facets and Other Aggregates Learn how to use the Elasticsearch aggregate widgets. Content View, Elasticsearch, Query, Widget Intermediate
HOWTO: Customize the Default Content and Trash Listings - JSF UI Learn how to customize the default content and trash listings using Nuxeo Studio. Content View Intermediate
HOWTO: Define a New Content View - JSF UI Learn how to configure a new content view with Nuxeo Studio. Content View Beginner
HOWTO: Disable by Coverage and by Subjects Virtual Navigations Learn how to disable the existing By Coverage and By Subjects virtual navigations with Nuxeo Studio. Content View, Virtual Navigation Advanced
HOWTO: Display Non-Folderish Documents (Files, Note, ...) in the Left Tree - JSF UI Learn how to display non-folderish documents in the left tree with Nuxeo Studio. Content View Advanced
HOWTO: Enable Drag and Drop and New Button on a Custom Content View - JSF UI Make a custom content view look like the default Content tab. Content view, Tab, JSF UI, UI Beginner
HOWTO: Fetch Documents with a Query on Date Parameters Learn how to make it possible to process documents depending on a date parameter. Automation, Content view Intermediate
HOWTO: Make a Page Provider or Content View Query Elasticsearch Index Learn how to make a content view query Elasticsearch instead of the Core API. Content view, Elasticsearch, Query Beginner