
Nuxeo SCIM 2.0

Updated: March 21, 2025

The Nuxeo SCIM 2.0 package is an implementation of the SCIM 2.0 specification.

The implementation is based on the following RFCs:

  • RFC7643 - System for Cross-domain Identity Management: Core Schema
  • RFC7644 - System for Cross-domain Identity Management: Protocol

Nuxeo acts as the "SCIM service provider" mentioned in these RFCs.

This pages describes:

  • The functional scope of the package.
  • The REST API endpoints it provides.
  • The way of mapping SCIM User and Group resources to Nuxeo user and group definitions.


This addon requires no specific installation steps. It can be installed like any other package with nuxeoctl command line or from the Marketplace.


The required aspects of the above-mentioned specification are expected to be covered by the Nuxeo implementation.

The Nuxeo implementation includes the following optional features described in RFC7644:

REST API Endpoints

The following endpoints are available.

Create User

POST /nuxeo/scim/v2/Users

Request Body

Supply the User to create with the following properties:

Property Name Value Description Notes
userName string The username.
givenName string The user's first name. Optional
familyName string The user's last name. Optional
... ... Other SCIM User attributes mapped to a Nuxeo user. Optional


If successful, returns a SCIM User resource in JSON, representing the created Nuxeo user.

Status Codes

  • 201 Created - Success.
  • 400 Bad Request - Client error (malformed request syntax, missing request parameter, missing body attribute, etc.).
  • 409 Conflict - User with the given userName exists.

Create Group

POST /nuxeo/scim/v2/Groups

Request Body

Supply the Group to create with the following properties:

Property Name Value Description Notes
displayName string The group label. Optional
members array The group members, as described in Section 4.2. Optional
... ... Other SCIM Group attributes mapped to a Nuxeo group. Optional


If successful, returns a SCIM Group resource in JSON, representing the created Nuxeo group.

Status Codes

  • 201 Created - Success.
  • 400 Bad Request - Client error (malformed request syntax, missing request parameter, missing body attribute, etc.).

Read User

GET /nuxeo/scim/v2/Users/{id}

Path Parameters

Parameter Name Type Description
id string The user id.


If successful, returns a SCIM User resource in JSON, representing the Nuxeo user with the given id path parameter.

Status Codes

  • 200 OK - Success.
  • 404 Not Found - User with the given id path parameter not found.

Read Group

GET /nuxeo/scim/v2/Groups/{id}

Path Parameters

Parameter Name Type Description
id string The group id.


If successful, returns a SCIM Group resource in JSON, representing the Nuxeo group with the given id path parameter.

Status Codes

  • 200 OK - Success.
  • 404 Not Found - Group with the given id path parameter not found.

Replace User

PUT /nuxeo/scim/v2/Users/{id}

Path Parameters

Parameter Name Type Description
id string The user id.

Request Body

Supply the User to replace with the following properties:

Property Name Value Description Notes
givenName string The user's first name. Optional
familyName string The user's last name. Optional
... ... Other SCIM User attributes mapped to a Nuxeo user. Optional


If successful, returns a SCIM User resource in JSON, representing the replaced Nuxeo user.

Status Codes

  • 200 OK - Success.
  • 400 Bad Request - Client error (malformed request syntax, missing request parameter, etc.).
  • 404 Not Found - User with the given id path parameter not found.

Replace Group

PUT /nuxeo/scim/v2/Groups/{id}

Path Parameters

Parameter Name Type Description
id string The group id.

Request Body

Supply the Group to replace with the following properties:

Property Name Value Description Notes
displayName string The group label. Optional
members array The group members, as described in Section 4.2. Optional
... ... Other SCIM Group attributes mapped to a Nuxeo group. Optional


If successful, returns a SCIM Group resource in JSON, representing the replaced Nuxeo group.

Status Codes

  • 200 OK - Success.
  • 400 Bad Request - Client error (malformed request syntax, missing request parameter, etc.).
  • 404 Not Found - Group with the given id path parameter not found.

Delete User

DELETE /nuxeo/scim/v2/Users/{id}

Path Parameters

Parameter Name Type Description
id string The user id.


If successful, deletes the Nuxeo user with the given id path parameter.

Status Codes

  • 204 No Content - Success.
  • 404 Not Found - User with the given id path parameter not found.

Delete Group

DELETE /nuxeo/scim/v2/Groups/{id}

Path Parameters

Parameter Name Type Description
id string The group id.


If successful, deletes the Nuxeo group with the given id path parameter.

Status Codes

  • 204 No Content - Success.
  • 404 Not Found - Group with the given id path parameter not found.

Update User

PATCH /nuxeo/scim/v2/Users/{id}

Path Parameters

Parameter Name Type Description
id string The user id.

Request Body

Supply the patch operations with the following properties:

Property Name Value Description Notes
Operations array The patch operations, as described in Section 3.5.2.


If successful, returns a SCIM User resource in JSON, representing the updated Nuxeo user.

Status Codes

  • 200 OK - Success.
  • 400 Bad Request - Client error (malformed request syntax, missing request parameter, missing body attribute, etc.).
  • 404 Not Found - User with the given id path parameter not found.

Update Group

PATCH /nuxeo/scim/v2/Groups/{id}

Path Parameters

Parameter Name Type Description
id string The group id.

Request Body

Supply the patch operations with the following properties:

Property Name Value Description Notes
Operations array The patch operations, as described in Section 3.5.2.


If successful, returns a SCIM Group resource in JSON, representing the updated Nuxeo group.

Status Codes

  • 200 OK - Success.
  • 400 Bad Request - Client error (malformed request syntax, missing request parameter, missing body attribute, etc.).
  • 404 Not Found - Group with the given id path parameter not found.

Search Users

GET /nuxeo/scim/v2/Users?filter={attribute}{op}{value}&sortBy={attributeName}&sortOrder={ascending|descending}

Path Parameters

See section 3.4.2. Query Resources for the standard set of query parameters that can be used to filter, sort, and paginate to return zero or more User resources in a query response.


If successful, returns a list of matching SCIM User resources in JSON.

Status Codes

  • 200 OK - Success.
  • 400 Bad Request - Client error (malformed request syntax, etc.).

Known limitations
Filters on user groups are currently not supported, such request will result in an error:

GET /nuxeo/scim/v2/Users/filter=groups eq "members"

Querying Resources can also be done using HTTP POST, as described in Section 3.4.3:

POST /nuxeo/scim/v2/Users/.search

Search Groups

GET /nuxeo/scim/v2/Groups?filter={attribute}{op}{value}&sortBy={attributeName}&sortOrder={ascending|descending}

Path Parameters

See section 3.4.2. Query Resources for the standard set of query parameters that can be used to filter, sort, and paginate to return zero or more Group resources in a query response.


If successful, returns a list of matching SCIM Group resources in JSON.

Status Codes

  • 200 OK - Success.
  • 400 Bad Request - Client error (malformed request syntax, etc.).

Known limitations
Filters on group members are currently not supported, such request will result in an error:

GET /nuxeo/scim/v2/Groups/filter=members eq "jdoe"

Querying Resources can also be done using HTTP POST, as described in Section 3.4.3:

POST /nuxeo/scim/v2/Groups/.search


GET /nuxeo/scim/v2/ServiceProviderConfig

GET /nuxeo/scim/v2/Schemas

GET /nuxeo/scim/v2/Schemas/User

GET /nuxeo/scim/v2/Schemas/Group

GET /nuxeo/scim/v2/ResourceTypes

GET /nuxeo/scim/v2/ResourceTypes/User

GET /nuxeo/scim/v2/ResourceTypes/Group

See Section 4. Service Provider Configuration Endpoints about these three endpoints, defined to facilitate discovery of SCIM service provider features and schema that can be retrieved using HTTP GET.



The Nuxeo implementation provides a way of mapping the attributes of the SCIM 2.0 User and Group schemas to the user and group schemas defined in Nuxeo. This mapping is done through a Java interface:

public interface ScimV2Mapping {

     * Hook to be executed after a group is created.
    DocumentModel afterCreateGroup(DocumentModel groupModel, GroupResource groupResource) throws ScimException;

     * Hook to be executed after a user is created.
    DocumentModel afterCreateUser(DocumentModel userModel, UserResource userResource) throws ScimException;

     * Hook to be executed after a group is updated.
    DocumentModel afterUpdateGroup(DocumentModel groupModel, GroupResource groupResource) throws ScimException;

     * Hook to be executed after a user is updated.
    DocumentModel afterUpdateUser(DocumentModel userModel, UserResource userResource) throws ScimException;

     * Hook to be executed before a group is created.
    DocumentModel beforeCreateGroup(DocumentModel groupModel, GroupResource groupResource) throws ScimException;

     * Hook to be executed before a user is created.
    DocumentModel beforeCreateUser(DocumentModel userModel, UserResource userResource) throws ScimException;

     * Hook to be executed before a group is updated.
    DocumentModel beforeUpdateGroup(DocumentModel groupModel, GroupResource groupResource) throws ScimException;

     * Hook to be executed before a user is updated.
    DocumentModel beforeUpdateUser(DocumentModel userModel, UserResource userResource) throws ScimException;

     * Gets the Nuxeo group model attribute name matching the SCIM attribute name used in SCIM Search filtering and
     * sorting.
    String getGroupAttributeName(String scimAttribute, Object filterValue);

     * Gets the Nuxeo group model attribute name matching the SCIM attribute name used in SCIM patch request path
     * filtering. E.g. in this case, the SCIM attribute to map is "value":
     * <pre>{@code
     * {
     *   "schemas":["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp"],
     *   "Operations":[{
     *     "op":"remove",
     *     "path":"members[value eq \"someGroupId\"]"
     *    }]
     * }
     * }</pre>
    String getGroupMemberAttributeName(String scimAttribute, Object filterValue);

     * Gets a group resource representation of a group model.
    GroupResource getGroupResourceFromNuxeoGroup(DocumentModel groupModel, String baseURL) throws ScimException;

     * Gets the Nuxeo user model attribute name matching the SCIM attribute name used in SCIM Search filtering and
     * sorting.
    String getUserAttributeName(String scimAttribute, Object filterValue);

     * Gets the Nuxeo user model attribute name matching the SCIM attribute name used in SCIM patch request path
     * filtering. E.g. in this case, the SCIM attribute to map is "value":
     * <pre>{@code
     * {
     *   "schemas":["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp"],
     *   "Operations":[{
     *     "op":"remove",
     *     "path":"members[value eq \"someUserId\"]"
     *    }]
     * }
     * }</pre>
    String getUserMemberAttributeName(String scimAttribute, Object filterValue);

     * Gets a user resource representation of a user model.
    UserResource getUserResourceFromNuxeoUser(DocumentModel userModel, String baseURL) throws ScimException;

     * Hook to be executed when a group is patched using JSON patch.
     * <p>
     * This is called when handling the attributes othen than "members" in a patch request operation.
    DocumentModel patchGroup(DocumentModel groupModel, GroupResource groupResource) throws ScimException;


Default Mapping

Nuxeo provides a default implementation of this interface through the following XML component:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<component name="org.nuxeo.scim.v2.service.DefaultScimV2Mapping">

    This default scim v2 mapping contribution.

  <extension target="org.nuxeo.scim.v2.ScimV2MappingService"
      class="org.nuxeo.scim.v2.service.DefaultScimV2Mapping" />


As an example, this is how we map the SCIM User attributes to a Nuxeo user:

public void updateNuxeoUserFromUserResource(DocumentModel userModel, UserResource userResouce) {
    UserManager um = Framework.getService(UserManager.class);
    String userSchemaName = um.getUserSchemaName();

    Name name = userResouce.getName();
    if (name == null) {
        userModel.setProperty(userSchemaName, FIRST_NAME, null);
        userModel.setProperty(userSchemaName, LAST_NAME, null);
    var givenName = name.getGivenName();
    var firstName = givenName == null ? null : trimToNull(givenName);
    userModel.setProperty(userSchemaName, FIRST_NAME, firstName);
    var familyName = name.getFamilyName();
    var lastName = familyName == null ? null : trimToNull(familyName);
    userModel.setProperty(userSchemaName, LAST_NAME, lastName);

    List<Email> emails = userResouce.getEmails();
    if (emails == null || emails.isEmpty()) {
        userModel.setProperty(userSchemaName, EMAIL, null);
    Predicate<Email> primaryEmail = Objects::nonNull;
    primaryEmail = primaryEmail.and(email -> BooleanUtils.isTrue(email.getPrimary()));
    Email email =;
    if (email == null) {
        userModel.setProperty(userSchemaName, EMAIL, null);
    } else {
        userModel.setProperty(userSchemaName, EMAIL, email.getValue());
    return userModel;

This is how we map a query filter attribute to a Nuxeo user field:

public String getUserAttributeName(String column, Object filterValue) {
    return switch (column.toLowerCase()) {
        case "id", "username" -> Framework.getService(UserManager.class).getUserIdField();
        case "emails", "emails.value" -> Framework.getService(UserManager.class).getUserEmailField();
        case "givenname" -> FIRST_NAME;
        case "familyname" -> LAST_NAME;
        default -> column;

Custom Mapping

To define a custom mapping, you need to override this component with a custom implementation of the ScimV2Mapping interface (that may extend DefaultScimV2Mapping):

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<component name="org.nuxeo.scim.v2.service.test.DummyScimV2TestMapping">


  <extension target="org.nuxeo.scim.v2.ScimV2MappingService"
      class="org.nuxeo.scim.v2.tests.contrib.DummyScimV2TestMapping" />


Example of a custom mapping implementation:

public class DummyScimV2TestMapping extends DefaultScimV2Mapping {

    public static final String EMAIL_FIELD_HOME = "homeEmail";

    public static final String EMAIL_FIELD_WORK = "workEmail";

    public static final String EMAIL_TYPE_HOME = "home";

    public static final String EMAIL_TYPE_WORK = "work";

    // Email pattern
    protected static Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("[^@]+@[^\\.]+\\..+");

    protected DocumentModel updateNuxeoUserFromUserResource(DocumentModel userModel, UserResource userResource) {
        final DocumentModel customUserModel = super.updateNuxeoUserFromUserResource(userModel, userResource);

        UserManager um = Framework.getService(UserManager.class);
        String userSchemaName = um.getUserSchemaName();

        // first reset email fields to honor PUT, PATCH remove and PATCH replace for a complex multivalued attribute
        customUserModel.setProperty(userSchemaName, EMAIL_FIELD_HOME, null);
        customUserModel.setProperty(userSchemaName, EMAIL_FIELD_WORK, null);

        List<Email> emails = userResource.getEmails();
        if (emails == null || emails.isEmpty()) {
            return customUserModel;
        } -> e.getType() != null).forEach(email -> {
            String type = email.getType();
            String value = email.getValue();
            switch (type) {
                case EMAIL_TYPE_HOME -> customUserModel.setProperty(userSchemaName, EMAIL_FIELD_HOME, value);
                case EMAIL_TYPE_WORK -> customUserModel.setProperty(userSchemaName, EMAIL_FIELD_WORK, value);
                default -> {
                    // cannot map email

        return customUserModel;

    public UserResource getUserResourceFromNuxeoUser(DocumentModel userModel, String baseURL) throws ScimException {
        UserResource userResource = super.getUserResourceFromNuxeoUser(userModel, baseURL);

        List<Email> emails = new ArrayList<>();
        UserManager um = Framework.getService(UserManager.class);
        String userSchemaName = um.getUserSchemaName();

        String homeEmail = (String) userModel.getProperty(userSchemaName, EMAIL_FIELD_HOME);
        if (isNotBlank(homeEmail)) {
            emails.add(new Email().setType(EMAIL_TYPE_HOME).setValue(homeEmail));
        String workEmail = (String) userModel.getProperty(userSchemaName, EMAIL_FIELD_WORK);
        if (isNotBlank(workEmail)) {
            emails.add(new Email().setType(EMAIL_TYPE_WORK).setValue(workEmail));
        if (!emails.isEmpty()) {

        return userResource;

     * Adds any created user to the "members" group.
    public DocumentModel afterCreateUser(DocumentModel userModel, UserResource userResource) {
        UserManager um = Framework.getService(UserManager.class);
        NuxeoPrincipal principal = um.getPrincipal(userModel.getId());
        var groups = principal.getGroups();
        if (!groups.contains("members")) {
        return userModel;

     * Searches on email field instead of user Id field if filter value looks like an email.
    public String getUserAttributeName(String column, Object value) {
        if ("userName".equals(column) && value instanceof String s && pattern.matcher(s).matches()) {
            return "email";
        return super.getUserAttributeName(column, value);