
Actions Display

Updated: March 21, 2025

JSF UI Deprecation
This requires to have the JSF UI addon installed on your server that is deprecated since Nuxeo Platform LTS 2019.
Please refer to the Web UI documentation.

Actions are grouped in categories to be able to display them in the same area of a page. Widgets can be used to handle rendering of these actions.

Actions are referencing the same category when they need to be displayed in the same area of a page.

The available categories are listed below and can also be found by checking action contributions on the explorer.

CAP Categories


Available since Nuxeo Platform 5.9.2.

Actions Breadcrumb
Actions Breadcrumb


Technical name: CLIPBOARD_LIST

Actions Clipboard
Actions Clipboard

Contextual Tools


Unless you specify an icon, the following icon will be used: User Action Default Icon

Actions Contextual Tools
Actions Contextual Tools

Document Creation Form


Available since Nuxeo Platform 5.4.2.

Actions Create Form
Actions Create Form

Document Edition Form

Technical name: EDIT_DOCUMENT_FORM

Available since Nuxeo Platform 5.4.2.

Actions Edit Form
Actions Edit Form

Document Header Actions


Available since Nuxeo Platform 5.4.2. This action category requires to use an icon, otherwise it won't be displayed on the UI.

Actions Document Header
Actions Document Header

Document List Toolbar


Actions Document List Toolbar
Actions Document List Toolbar

Document Summary Actions


Available since Nuxeo Platform 5.4.2.

Actions Summary
Actions Summary

Folder Toolbar

Technical name: SUBVIEW_UPPER_LIST

Actions Folder Toolbar
Actions Folder Toolbar


Technical name: USER_SERVICES

Actions Header Links
Actions Header Links

Header Main Tabs

Technical name: MAIN_TABS

Available since Nuxeo Platform 5.8.

Actions Main Tabs
Actions Main Tabs

Header Search Actions

Technical name: SEARCH ACTIONS

Available since Nuxeo Platform 5.8.

Actions Search
Actions Search

Technical name: FOOTER

Available since Nuxeo Platform 5.8.

Actions Footer
Actions Footer

User Menu Actions

Technical name: USER_MENU_ACTIONS

Available since Nuxeo Platform 5.4.2.

Actions User Menu
Actions User Menu


Technical name: DEFAULT_LIST

Actions Worklist
Actions Worklist

CAP Advanced Categories

These categories can be useful when defining custom actions, that will reference the widgets to display. This is useful when building incremental layouts, like the default summary layout starting from 5.6: the action order and filter information are useful to contribute/display/hide some widgets to the summary default layout.

These categories are not really useful when defining user actions, and the associated features can be broken when migrating from 5.6 to 5.8, as the form around the summary layout has been removed for 5.8 to allow fine-grained form management on this page.

View Action List

Technical name: VIEW_ACTION_LIST.

This category is used for tabs displayed on every document.

<action id="TAB_VIEW" link="/incl/tabs/document_view.xhtml" enabled="true"
  order="0" label="action.view.summary" type="rest_document_link">

<action id="TAB_CONTENT" link="/incl/tabs/document_content.xhtml" order="10"
  enabled="true" label="action.view.content" type="rest_document_link">

Summary Top Panel

Technical name: SUMMARY_PANEL_TOP

This user action category is not yet fully implemented in Studio (available since Nuxeo Platform 5.6).

Actions Summary Top
Actions Summary Top

Summary Left Panel

Technical name: SUMMARY_PANEL_LEFT

This user action category is not yet fully implemented in Studio (available since Nuxeo Platform 5.6).

Actions Summary Left
Actions Summary Left

Summary Right Panel


This user action category is not yet fully implemented in Studio (available since Nuxeo Platform 5.6).

Actions Summary Right
Actions Summary Right

Summary Bottom Panel


This user action category is not yet fully implemented in Studio (available since Nuxeo Platform 5.6).

Actions Summary Buttons
Actions Summary Buttons


Content View Actions


DAM Categories

DAM Asset view actions


Available since Nuxeo Platform 5.7.1.

Unless you specify an icon, the following icon will be used: User Action Default Icon

Actions DAM Compat Asset view
Actions DAM Compat Asset view

DAM Search results actions


Available since Nuxeo Platform 5.7.1.

Actions DAM Compat  Search Results
Actions DAM Compat  Search Results

DAM Current selection lists


Available since Nuxeo Platform 5.7.1.

Actions DAM Compat Current Selection Lists
Actions DAM Compat Current Selection Lists

Adapting Templates to Display an Action

Since Nuxeo Platform 5.6, an action can define the way it will be rendered by using the type attribute. This make it easier to combine different kinds of rendering for a group of actions, and this is done by using widget types for action types, to leverage features from the Nuxeo Layout Framework.

The template action type makes it possible to define a custom action rendering. New action types can also be contributed to the framework.

A series of widget types displaying are available by default, see the pages Tab Designer Widget Types and Advanced Widget Types. These widget types include rendering configuration options that are implemented by default action widget types (CSS styling, display as buttons or links, for instance).

Here are two ways of rendering actions.

Rendering Actions via Widget Definitions

Here is a sample widget definition to render actions using category MY_CATEGORY:

<extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.forms.layout.WebLayoutManager"
  <widget name="userActions" type="documentActionsWithForms">
    <properties mode="view">
      <property name="category">MY_CATEGORY</property>
      <property name="actionsDisplay">links</property>
      <property name="overallDisplay">horizontal_block</property>
      <property name="styleClass">userActions</property>

This widget can be displayed on a page directly using the following sample code:

<div xmlns:nxl="">
  <nxl:widget name="userActions" mode="view" value="#{currentDocument}" />

Of course this widget definition can also be included within a layout definition, as it's done for Incremental Layouts configuration.

Rendering Actions via Dynamically Computed Widget

It can also be useful to generate the widget definition dynamically from the widget template, by passing the widget properties as tag attributes to the  nxl:widgetType tag:

<div xmlns:nxl="">
  <nxl:widgetType name="documentActionsWithForms"
    value="#{currentDocument}" />

Notice the tag attribute widgetProperty_category used to define the actions category: as widget types also have a notion of category, adding widgetProperty_ prefix to the attribute makes it possible to explicitly state that this is a widget property.

See also chapter about Layout and Widget Display.


Related sections in Studio documentation