
HOWTO: Add a New Virtual Navigation Entry

Updated: March 30, 2025

With Nuxeo Studio, you can configure as many virtual navigation views as you need.

Just follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have all the required elements
  2. Configure the link and the query
  3. Configure the result layout

Make Sure You Have All the Required Elements

Required elements

  1. You need a hierarchical vocabulary: you can configure one using Studio;
  2. You need to have a document type that uses the hierarchical vocabulary for filling the value in one of its forms.
  3. In the Settings > Application Definition menu, make sure that the Nuxeo JSF UI addon is in the list of packages to install.

To create a new virtual navigation:

  1. Make sure you have enabled Virtual Navigation in your Application Definition.
  2. Unfold the Listings & Views menu entry and click on Virtual Navigations. The list of existing custom virtual navigations is displayed.
  3. Click on the New button.
  4. Give your new virtual navigation an ID and click on the Next button.
  5. Fill in the Virtual Navigation configuration (see parameters below).
  6. Click on the Save button.
Field Description
Label The label is displayed the title of the virtual navigation tree, when you click on the corresponding tab.
Property It is the filtering property, that must exist in your document typology. First select the schema, then the vocabulary, and so the metadata, that will be used for the match. It can be a single or multi-valued vocabulary.
Additional query filter You can use it to add more criteria to the search that will be run when the user clicks on a value in the virtual navigation. You can specify a given type (ecm:primaryType=...) or leverage modification date, or whatever that respects NXQL syntax. See here for more information on the NXQL query syntax.
Vocabularies Add here as many entries as you want levels in the virtual navigation tree. Even when all the values are in the same vocabulary, whatever the level, you need to reference this vocabulary at each level of the tree.
Icon Select the icon that will be displayed on the new virtual navigation tab. You can use icons uploaded in "Resources".
Enabled This property should always be clicked when you contribute a new virtual navigation view. Actually, it is useful when you want to disable an existing one.

Configure the Result Layout of Your Virtual Navigation

To configure the virtual navigation

  1. On Virtual navigations, click on Results tab.
  2. Follow the steps described on the Customize search layout how to.