
Document Templates and Automation Rendering

Updated: March 28, 2025

Nuxeo Automation includes a service designed to perform renditions based on Freemarker or MVEL templating.

Two operations are provided for leveraging this rendition engine: Conversion > Render Document and Conversion > Render Document Feed

We list here the variables accessible in this rendition context and as a consequence in the templates.

For a broader look about variables available in different contexts, have a look at the Understand Expression and Scripting Languages Used in Nuxeo page.

For a more advanced rendition service, you may be interested in having a look at the Nuxeo Platform Template Rendering module.

FreeMarker Templating Language (FTL)

Standard Variables

  • ${Document} - the context document. This is the document on which the rendering is done in the case the rendering is done on a single document. When the input is a list of document then this variable is undefined.
  • ${This} - the rendering input. Will be a document in the case of a single document or a list of documents in the case of multiple documents.
  • ${Session} - the current core session.
  • ${Context} - the context.
  • ${CurrentDate} - the current date. See Use of MVEL in Automation chains (date wrapper) for details.
  • ${Fn} - a collection of useful functions. See Use of MVEL in Automation chains (fn object) for details.
  • ${Env} - a hashmap containing Nuxeo environment variables. Example: Env[""].
  • ${CurrentUser} - the current user. Note that ${CurrentUser} is not correctly working for now in FTL templates - but only in MVEL templates.

By using the FreeMarker templating engine, you also gain access to its whole functionalities. For example, using a document list could be done as following:

<#list This as doc>

Handling Map and List in Nuxeo Platform Rendering templateParam

It is possible to contribute a complex structure as templateParam.

For instance:

<fields xmlns:dt="">
  <dt:field name="account" type="Map">
    <dt:field name="owner" type="Map">
      <dt:field name="firstname" type="String" value="John"/>
      <dt:field name="lastname" type="String" value="Doe"/>
    <dt:field name="type" type="String" value="checking"/>
    <dt:field name="operations" type="list">
      <dt:field name="op1" type="Map">
        <dt:field name="date" type="Date" value="2017-07-14 13:14:15.678"/>
        <dt:field name="value" type="String" value="$ 200.20"/>
        <dt:field name="isPositive" type="Boolean" value="true"/>
      <dt:field name="op2" type="Map">
        <dt:field name="date" type="Date" value="2017-07-15 13:10:15.678"/>
        <dt:field name="value" type="String" value="-$ 40.27"/>
        <dt:field name="isPositive" type="Boolean" value="false"/>

can be used with the following FTL template:

Hello ${account.owner.firstname} ${account.owner.lastname},
Here are the operations of the account ${account.number} for this month:
            DATE          |   VALUE  | IS POSITIVE
 <#list account.operations as operation>
 ${} | ${operation.value} | ${operation.isPositive?string("yes", "no")}

Going Further

Have a look at the FreeMarker manual for more information about it.


  • ${Document} - the context document. This is the document on which the rendering is done in the case the rendering is done on a single document. When the input is a list of document then this variable is undefined.
  • ${This} - the rendering input. Will be a document in the case of a single document or a list of documents in th case of multiple documents.
  • ${Session} - the current core session.
  • ${Context} - the context.
  • ${CurrentDate} - the current date. See Use of MVEL in Automation chains (date wrapper) for details.
  • ${Fn} - a collection of useful functions. See Use of MVEL in Automation chains (fn object) for details.
  • ${Env} - a hashmap containing Nuxeo environment variables. Example: Env[""].
  • ${CurrentUser} - the current user.

By using MVEL, you also gain access to its whole functionalities. For example, using a document list could be done as following:

@foreach{doc : This}

Have a look at the MVEL Documentation for more information about it.