
Indexing and Querying How-To Index

Updated: July 25, 2024

Title Excerpt Topics Level
Double Click Shield Learn how to use the "Double Click Shield" feature. JSF, Ajax, jQuery Advanced
HOWTO: Configure a New Default Search Form in the Search Tab Learn how to add a new search search Content View, Elasticsearch, Query Beginner
HOWTO: Configure a Search Filter With Facets and Other Aggregates Learn how to use the Elasticsearch aggregate widgets. Content View, Elasticsearch, Query, Widget Intermediate
HOWTO: Make a Page Provider or Content View Query Elasticsearch Index Learn how to make a content view query Elasticsearch instead of the Core API. Content view, Elasticsearch, Query Beginner
HOWTO: Query Workflow Objects Learn how to query workflow objects using NXQL. Workflow, NXQL, Query, Searches Advanced
Query Endpoint (Deprecated) This how-to provides an example of how to use the REST API to query the Nuxeo repository. Query, RESTAPI Advanced
Search Resource Endpoints This how-to provides some examples of how to use the REST API to query the Nuxeo repository, as well as to save these queries and later reproduce them. Query, REST API Advanced
Using CMISQL from Java Learn how to make CMISQL queries from Java code inside a Nuxeo bundle. CMIS, Query Advanced