
Workflow Node Properties

Updated: October 18, 2024

This page lists all the properties of a node. A workflow instance is made of several nodes linked by some transitions.

Node Variables

Node variables are persisted on the node document. These are metadata stored on a dynamic facet, in a schema named var_$NodeId.

Node Properties


At low level, there is only one type of node and the workflow engine behavior will change depending on the value of the properties of this node. In the Nuxeo Studio Modeler, you will find several kinds of node, that are actually just some sort of presets on top of the generic node. There are more than 40 parameters that can be configured on a node. They are all stored on the "route_node" schema of the "RouteNode" document.

Workflow variables are also available on the node properties, in a schema named var_$WorkflowModelName.


nodeId: Id of the node, that is generated from Studio.

Graph Behavior

Property Description
start Must be equal to true only on the node where the workflow engine should start to execute the given workflow.
stop Sends a Stop workflow event. When the workflow arrives on such a node, it stops the execution of the workflow definitively.
merge When this is 'true', this is a merge node: the workflow is suspended on this node, waiting for all incoming transitions to this node to be evaluated to 'true'.
executeOnlyFirstTransition Follows the first transition that is equal to true, and only that one.
subRouteModelExpr When this one is filled, the workflow engine runs the given process model on the same bound document list. This is used for the "sub workflow node" template in Studio.
subRouteInstanceId The id of the instance of the subworkflow once it has been launched.
subRouteVariables The variables to pass to the subworkflow when starting it.
transitions There must be at least one transition. Each transition has the following character :
transition:chain The chain to execute when going into a transition.
transition:condition Workflow engine goes into that transition only if the condition is evaluated to true.
transition:name The name of the transition.
transition:targetId The id of the target node of the transition.
transition:label The displayed name of the transition.
inputChain The chain executed when the workflow engine starts running the node.
outputChain The chain executed when the workflow engine quits the node, before entering a "transition".

Execution History

Property Description
startDate Workflow engines stores here when it started running the node. If the node is run multiple times in a workflow (in a loop for example), it stores the last date the workflow started running this node.
endDate Workflow engines store here when it goes out of the node, the last time the node is run.
lastActor The last actor having done an action on the node. Useful most of the time in the output Automation chain to know who resumed the node.
count The number of times the workflow engine ran this node.
canceled When the workflow is canceled, all nodes are marked as canceled.
tasksInfo Holds information about all tasks created by a node. For every task: the life cycle state (ended or not), the user who ended the task, the comment if any and the id of the button the user clicked to complete the task (status).


Property Description
hasTask If true, the workflow engine creates a task when running this node. The workflow is resumed only when this task is completed.
hasMultipleTasks If true, the workflow engine creates a task for each assignee. The workflow is resumed only when all tasks created by this node are completed.
taskDocType The tasks created by the workflow engine (by calling the TaskService) are documents of type "TaskDoc". You can change this if you need custom metadata on the task document (to be displayed on the task dashboard for example). Your document type must have the facets "Task" and "RoutingTask" and the "task" lifecycle.
taskDescription Currently not used.
taskDirective The directive of the task. Should put instructions here for the user to close his task.
taskDueDate The due date for the task. The workflow engine does nothing with this information by default. Can be leveraged by an escalation rule.
taskDueDateExpr The task dueDate will be dynamically computed from this MVEL expression.
taskAssignees The assignees for the task. Users should be prefixed by "user:" and groups by "group:"
taskAssigneesExpr Assignees are dynamically computed from this MVEL expression when the workflow is run.
taskAssigneesPermission Grant specific permission to the task assignees on the documents following the workflow (automatically removed by the workflow engine once the task is completed).
allowTaskReassignment When true, the reassign user action is displayed to the assignee.
taskNotificationTemplate The template of the email that is sent to the assignee when she is assigned a task. If no template is selected, no notification is sent. workflowTaskAssigned is the default mail template.
taskLayout The layout (form) that is displayed to the assignee for resolving the task.
taskButtons The buttons that are displayed to the assignee for solving the task.
name The id of the button, can be used in the transitions condition.
label The label used for the button in the UI.
filter Filtering information, used in the UI too (no low level control).
taskY The position of the node on the Y axis.
taskX The position of the node on the X axis.

Escalation (escalationRules)

Property Description
name The name of the escalation rule (technical id)
multipleExecution When set to true, the rule is evaluated periodically, otherwise it is evaluated only once.
condition The condition to know if the rule should be executed or not.
chain The name of the chain that should be executed if the condition is true.