
HOWTO: Configure a New Directory Cache

Updated: March 21, 2025

To set up a new cache for your directory, wether for your vocabularies, users or groups:

  1. Contribute a new XML extension that defines your Java memory cache:

    <extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.core.cache.CacheService"
        <cache name="MYDIRECTORY-ENTRY-CACHE" class="org.nuxeo.ecm.core.cache.InMemoryCacheImpl">
            <ttl>20</ttl><!-- minutes -->
            <option name="maxSize">100</option>
            <option name="concurrencyLevel">500</option>
        <cache name="MYDIRECTORY-ENTRY-CACHE-WITHOUT-REFERENCES" class="org.nuxeo.ecm.core.cache.InMemoryCacheImpl">
            <option name="maxSize">100</option>
            <ttl>20</ttl><!-- minutes -->
            <option name="concurrencyLevel">500</option>
  2. Adapt the cache parameters if needed:

    • name: The name of the cache
    • ttl: The directory entry life span in the cache
    • maxSize: The maximum number of entries in the cache
  3. For each directory that should use the cache, declare the cache in the directory definition using an XML extension.

    <extension target=""
       <directory name="MYDIRECTORY">

    The example above is about a SQL directory. You should adapt the target to the type of directory you're using.