
Install Nuxeo with the Docker Image

Updated: March 21, 2025


This page explains how to install the Nuxeo server with the base Nuxeo Docker image. Yet, to build an application from Nuxeo, most of the time, you will need to customize this image and build your own. For this purpose, we strongly recommend to use an immutable image by building a custom Docker image from the Nuxeo one.

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In terms of software, the only requirement to run the Nuxeo Docker image is Docker itself: Java, as well as all the external software, are integrated in the Docker image.

You should have access to our private Docker registry. If you are a Nuxeo client, please ask access to the Docker image through a support ticket. Once provided, follow these instructions. If not, contact your Nuxeo Administrator or Nuxeo sales representative to get access to this image.


The Nuxeo 2023 Docker image,, supports multiple platforms: it contains variants for the amd64 (x86) and arm64v8 architectures.

When pulling this image, Docker automatically selects the variant that matches your OS and architecture. For instance, if you're running on:

  • Linux (AMD64), you'll get the amd64 variant.
  • Apple Silicon M1 (ARM64), you'll get the arm64 variant.

The arm64 variant doesn't include the LibreOffice converter. Unfortunately, there is currently no LibreOffice RPM package available in a recent version for Oracle Linux (the base OS) in the arm64 architecture. Consequently:

The arm64 variant of the Nuxeo 2023 Docker image is not production-ready. It is for development purpose only. When running docker pull or docker run, if you're running on an ARM64 architecture (typically Apple Silicon M1), the pulled Docker image doesn't include LibreOffice. Thus, the conversion features relying on LibreOffice won't be available, typically converting Office documents to PDF.

You can force the target platform when pulling or running the Docker image with the --platform option, for instance to pull the amd64 variant: docker pull --platform=linux/amd64

What's in the Nuxeo Image

The Nuxeo Docker image is described by this Dockerfile.

Based on Oracle Linux 9, it includes:

  • Azul's Zulu OpenJDK 17.
  • A bare Nuxeo server without any package installed.
  • A default embedded database, H2 (only valid for testing purposes).
  • An embedded Elasticsearch (only valid for testing purposes too).
  • Some basic Open Source converters, e.g.: ImageMagick, LibreOffice.
  • A nuxeo user with the 900 fixed UID.
  • The directories required to have the Nuxeo configuration, data and logs outside of the server directory, with appropriate permissions.
  • An entrypoint script to configure the server.
  • The default recommended volumes.
  • The environment variables required by the server, typically NUXEO_HOME and NUXEO_CONF.
  • The exposed port 8080.

To use the video related features in Nuxeo, such as conversions, storyboarding and metadata extraction, you need to have FFMpeg installed in the image. Please read the FFmpeg section to understand why it is not included in the Nuxeo image and how to build an image including it.

Running the Image

First, you need to be authenticated in order to pull the Docker image:

docker login -u <username> -p <token_pass_code>

To pull the latest tag of the nuxeo/nuxeo image from the Docker registry and run a container from it, run:

docker run --name nuxeo -p 8080:8080

The 2023 tag points to the latest release, for instance 2023.0.

To get the latest build, versioned 2023.x.y, you can use the 2023.x tag.

The default command executed when running a container is nuxeoctl console. It can be overridden by specifying an argument to docker run. For instance, to open a bash shell in the container and automatically remove the container when it exits, just run:

docker run -it --rm bash

For a production setup and general best practices, please read about Mounting Data, Log and Temporary Directories as Volumes.

Configuring the Image at Runtime

Though we encourage to have immutable images configured at build time, in some cases it makes sense to configure a container at runtime. This typically applies to the address and credentials of each back-end store (database, Elasticsearch, S3, etc.) that are specific to a given deployment: development, staging, production, etc.

Configuration Properties

To add or update some configuration properties when running a container from a Nuxeo image, please read the related section about nuxeo.conf.

Environment Variables

Currently, these are the environment variables that are taken into account by a Nuxeo image:



Please first have a look at the default JVM settings in the Nuxeo Docker image.

The value of JAVA_OPTS is appended to the JAVA_OPTS property defined in nuxeo.conf at startup.

For instance, to make the Nuxeo Launcher display the JVM settings in the console, run:

docker run --name nuxeo \
  -p 8080:8080 \
  -e JAVA_OPTS=-XshowSettings:vm \


The value of NUXEO_CLID is copied to /var/lib/nuxeo/instance.clid at startup. Please check the Registering your Nuxeo Instance documentation page to create a valid CLID.

For instance, to run a container with a registered Nuxeo instance:

docker run --name nuxeo \
  -p 8080:8080 \


NUXEO_CONNECT_URL allows to override the default Connect URL at startup.

For instance, to run a container with another Connect URL than the default one:

docker run --name nuxeo \
  -p 8080:8080 \


NUXEO_PACKAGES allows to define a space separated list of Nuxeo packages to install at startup.

For instance, to run a container with the nuxeo-web-ui and nuxeo-drive packages installed:

docker run --name nuxeo \
  -p 8080:8080 \
  -e NUXEO_PACKAGES="nuxeo-web-ui nuxeo-drive" \


Setting NUXEO_DEV=true allows to run the Nuxeo image in development mode, meaning:

  1. Enable the following configuration properties, see the Configuration Parameters Index (nuxeo.conf) page for more details:
    # for hot reload
  2. Override the default command executed when running a container, allowing to execute some nuxeoctl commands inside the container without killing it. This way, you can for instance:

    • Copy some JAR files to the nxserver/bundles directory of the server and restart it with nuxeoctl restart:

      docker run --name nuxeo \
      -p 8080:8080 \
      -e NUXEO_DEV=true \
      docker ps
      docker exec 0eee2751d09d nuxeoctl restart
    • Register your instance with nuxeoctl register.

    • Use hot reload with the Nuxeo Dev Tools Extension.
    • Use hot reload with Nuxeo CLI.
  3. Activate debugging for the nuxeoctl mp-install command run when installing Nuxeo packages with NUXEO_PACKAGES.

Shell Scripts

To run some shell scripts when starting a container from a Nuxeo image, you can add *.sh files in the /docker-entrypoint-initnuxeo.d directory of the image.

They will be alphabetically sorted and executed at the very end of the ENTRYPOINT, after handling the environment variables. Thus, if you run a container by passing the NUXEO_CLID environment variable, invoking nuxeoctl in such a shell script will work as being registered.