
February 7, 2018

Updated: February 25, 2025

Studio now handles lost sessions gracefully, and provides advanced configuration patterns for JSF UI layouts' widgets.

Offline Status Management

Studio will now prompt you to reauthenticate when trying to save anything while your session was ended due to inactivity. The authentication form will open in a new tab, so that once logged back in you keep anything you were doing that was not saved yet.

Widgets Advanced Configuration Improvements

When configuring JSF UI layouts, the view properties of a widget will now always show up as soon as the advanced configuration field is set. This allows for some advanced configuration patterns: for instance determining the widget mode to apply depending on the result of a business logic call made through a Seam bean.

Always on Top Current Branch

Studio now displays the current checked-out branch on top of the branches list. This small change makes it easier to check your work in progress.

Noticeable Bug Fixes

  • Reverting a layout now works properly (NXS-4498).
  • All multivalued fields besides complex type can now be set as required at schema level (NXS-4402).
  • Links are now more visible in help tooltips and some specific areas (NXS-4240).
  • In Studio Designer, dates in workflow layouts are now human-readable (NXS-4453).

More information about bugs fixed in this version is available in our bugtracking tool.