
Account Management

Updated: April 3, 2024

Users Tab

Adding Users

To add a new user, click the Add User button. Then fill in the email address, first name, and last name in the Add User window that will show up. For an already existing user, you only have to fill in the email address field. You can also add tags to categorize users and find them by the tag in the future. You can use existing tags or add new tags by typing its name into the Tags field and clicking Create item …. When you finish adding user information, click Done to save it.

If that person does not have a NOS account yet, she will receive an email to set it up. The setup link in the email is valid for 7 days. After this delay, our support team can trigger a new email upon request.

Managing Tags

By clicking the Manage Tags button you will open a pop-up window in which you can browse the list of tags used in the organization and the number of their users. To add a new tag, enter its name into the search box and click Create item …. You can edit existing tags by clicking the pencil icon next to a tag’s name, editing the entry and clicking the accept icon. To delete an existing tag, click the trash icon next to it and click Confirm in the pop-up window.

Searching Users

Use the search box to find users by user ID, full name, or email.

Filtering Users

Filter the user list by tag using the Filter by tag box.

User View Page

Click a user's entry to access the user view page. Here, you can see:

  • Their full name
  • Their Okta user profile with a link
  • Tags assigned to them
  • Groups they belong to
  • Linked services

You can navigate to the group view page by clicking an entry in the Groups table and to the service view page by clicking an entry in the Services table.

Editing User Information

On the user view page, click the Edit button to modify the user's email, first name, last name, and tags.

Removing Users

You can remove a user from the organization using the Remove button in the user view page. Confirming the action will remove access to all applications and services from this organization; it does not delete the user account. If that person is also a member of other organizations, access to them remains unchanged.

Group and Service Management

By using the search box in the user view page, you can search for groups the user is part of and services the user is associated with. By clicking the Manage Groups button you can assign or unassign the user to / from groups. By clicking on a group’s name in the Manage Groups pop-up window, you switch the position of it (Unassigned or Assigned). Click Confirm to save changes.

You can also manage services the user is assigned to by clicking the Manage Services button. By clicking a service’s name in the Manage Services pop-up window, you switch the position of it (Unassigned or Assigned). Click Confirm to save changes.

Groups Tab

In the Groups tab you can see a list of all groups in your organization, with their name, number of members and description. You can edit a group’s description by clicking the pencil icon on the list. You can delete a group by clicking the trash icon and confirming your choice in the pop-up window.

Searching Groups

Utilize the search box to search the list of groups using their names.

Creating Custom Groups

Create new custom groups by clicking the Create Group button and filling in the name and description fields in the pop-up window. Once a group is created, you can assign users to it by clicking its name in the Groups table and going to a group view page.

Group View

Clicking on a group's name in the table will take you to the group view, where you can see a list of members and services associated with that group. You can use the search box to find members of the given group by their name.

You can go to the user view page by clicking an entry in the Members table, and to the service view page by clicking an entry in the Services table.

Managing Group Members

By clicking the Manage Members button you can assign and un-assign members to / from the group. By clicking a user’s name in the Manage Members pop-up window, you switch the position of them (Unassigned or Assigned). Click Confirm to save changes.

You can also manage services the group is assigned to by clicking the Manage Services button. By clicking a service’s name in the Manage Services pop-up window, you switch the position of it (Unassigned or Assigned). Click Confirm to save changes.

Services Tab

The Services tab lists all organization-linked services, categorized into four types. Information displayed includes start and end dates, associated projects, available seats, and service validity.


Only Admin Users and Power Users can create, edit, and delete services. OrgAdmins can request a service via the Request Service button to create a Jira ticket.

Creating Services

Click the Create Service button to add a new service. In the pop-up window, specify the type of service and its name, set the start and end dates and add a description if necessary. Click Create Service to save the changes.

Updating and Deleting a Service

By clicking the pencil icon in the table, you can update information about a given service: its name, start date and end date. Click Update Service to save the changes.

By clicking the trash icon, you can delete a service from your organization.

Service View

By clicking an entry in the table of services, you will go to the service view, where you can see all members and projects associated with that service. You can use the search box to find members and projects by their name.

You can go to the user view page by clicking an entry in the Members table.

Managing Service Members and Projects

By clicking the Manage Members button in the service view, you can assign and unassign members to / from the service. By clicking a user’s name in the Manage Members pop-up window, you switch the position of them (Unassigned or Assigned). Click Confirm to save changes.

You can also manage projects assigned to the service by clicking the Manage Projects button. By clicking a service’s name in the Manage Services pop-up window, you switch the position of it (Unassigned or Assigned). Click Confirm to save changes.