
June 11, 2018

Updated: October 22, 2024

Application definition supports private package selection, introducing token management for enhanced security.

Support for Private Packages Selection in Application Definition

Your private packages can now be added as dependencies in your application definition. This is particularly useful when using custom packages delivered through the Nuxeo Markerplace.

Note that it is not yet possible to choose which version of a private package you want to depend on. Application definition will always add a dependency to the latest available version on the marketplace every time you save your changes.

As with public packages, Nuxeo Studio will automatically load their content when possible. For that to happen:

  • Make sure your project's pom.xml depends on a Nuxeo distribution version of 9.10 or newer
  • In your marketplace package's assembly.xml file, add the following instruction before generating the final zip:
<nx:studioExtraction todir="${outdir}/marketplace">
  <fileset dir="${outdir}/marketplace/install/bundles"/>

Here is an excerpt of the final result:

    <nx:studioExtraction todir="${outdir}/marketplace">
      <fileset dir="${outdir}/marketplace/install/bundles"/>

    <zip destfile="${outdir}/${maven.project.artifactId}-${maven.project.version}.zip" basedir="${outdir}/marketplace"/>
    <artifact:attach file="${outdir}/${maven.project.artifactId}-${maven.project.version}.zip" type="zip"/>

Note that the above example only applies if you have been generating your package using the recommended tool, Nuxeo CLI. Otherwise you will need to adapt these instructions to your own use case.

Token Generation

This release introduces the ability to generate personal authentication tokens from the Nuxeo Online Services portal.

Tokens can be used as a replacement for a password, and can be revoked anytime. Here are a few situations where they can be useful:

  • In your continuous integration / continuous delivery chain, to have your software authenticate against our Maven private repository,
  • When you authenticate using a third party provider (Google or Okta) and need to use our command line tools with options that require a password to be provided, for example, registering an instance using nuxeoctl, linking your Studio project to your Java development project in Nuxeo CLI.

To generate a token,

  1. Login to Nuxeo Online Services
  2. Visit the My Tokens tab
  3. Create your token using the corresponding button and provide a clear name for it (ex: "CI Chain")
    Token Management
    Token Management

Your token will only be shown once, so be sure to save it in a secure place. If you ever forget it or think it may have been compromised, you can revoke it anytime and generate a new one.

Suggestion Elements Generation Update

Applies to LTS 2017 with Web UI.

A new property has been introduced in Web UI's suggestion elements with LTS 2017 HF05, so that labels can always be shown for suggestions, not the id.

Suggestion elements in your Studio Designer configuration will now include that additional property when you generate a layout or when you drag and drop a suggestion element (e.g. to suggest vocabulary entries, users or documents). As a consequence, this will require you to have HF05 installed on your instance for them to behave as expected.

Existing layouts containing suggestion elements are kept as is, in order to prevent any change to your application's behavior without your consent. When Studio detects elements using the old pattern, it will display a warning and suggest that you drag and drop the property into your layout again if you want to upgrade to the new format. Your configuration will keep working even if you don't, but you will not benefit from the latest upgrades.

Usability Improvements

Simplified Operations Configuration (again)

When configuring an operation in Studio Designer, the input parameter field (used to send the initial input for the automation chain or script) will now suggest values depending on the action slot you have selected.

Input Autocomplete
Input Autocomplete

Save / Discard Buttons Update

In Designer, the Revert button which previously reverted your configuration back to the default configuration has been transformed into a Discard Changes button which only discards changes made since last save operation. This is more consistent with Studio Modeler.

The Save button in Designer also received an update to take into account the commit mode you are using. In intermediate and advanced commit modes, it will now display Save work in progress to make it clear that you won't be pushing your commit right away.

Noteworthy Improvements and Bugfixes

  • [Designer / Web UI] When adding custom code in your project's bundle.html file, custom entries are kept. A known limitation is that your code may be moved inside the file. An improvement is planned in the short term to completely separate Studio Designer's automatic configuration from your custom code ((NXS-4758)).
  • [Designer / Web UI] When configuring a multivalued field or a results listing with a data table, changes to the column names can be made without provoking errors. (NXS-4615)
  • [Designer / Web UI] Disabled default UI items will be hidden as expected in Web UI for Firefox users. (NXS-4697)

More information about bugs fixed in this version is available in our bugtracking tool.