

Updated: February 25, 2025

Resources Tab View Designer
Resources Tab View Designer

The Resources tab represents the physical view of the package which is going to be deployed in the Nuxeo repository. It’s an alternative visualization of all components created in the Layout and UI tab. Additionally, it gives you the possibility to create folders and upload files, such as pictures or custom scripts: for example, you can use it to display the document icons. You will also be able to create new element on this tab.

To upload a new file:
Select the folder where you want to upload it and then click on the upload button .
A popup window let you select your document in your local files.

To create a new file:
Select the folder where you want to create it and then click on the create button .
A popup window asks you if you want to create an Empty File, an Element or a folder.
If you select an Element, a base template will generate a boilerplate template to start from.