
Nuxeo Studio Release Notes

Updated: October 22, 2024

Discover upcoming and recent changes in Nuxeo Studio.

Recently Released Changes

Connect / Account Management

Roles in Connect have evolved. With this release there will be three internal and three external roles.

External Roles

Basic User This is the default type for external users (clients, partners etc.) and gives access to that organisation’s packages Basic users can be added to services by Admins, giving them access to Studio projects and other features

OrgAdmin This is role that allows a user to administer an organisation’s user via the Account Management feature

SuperOrgAdmin (ex ProjectAdmin) This is a superior admin role that gives access Account Management and Project Admin features, as well a the ability to create OrgAdmins For further information please contact support.

Specific changes:

  • Fixed assignment of a user to a service when an obsolete service reached the limit.
  • Fixed Jira assignment when a user is added to Support service.
  • Search box in "Account Management Services" now provides only the list of services matching the query.
  • Power Users and OrgAdmin now have more access rights.
  • Nuxeo Users are replaced by Internal User and cannot access all projects and JSF backoffice.
  • Implemented new roles: SuperOrgAdmin and OrgOutOfQuota.
  • Fixed Services tab accessibility issue.
  • SuperOrgAdmin, Administrator, and Power Users can now create/edit/delete ConnectProject in the AccountManagement page.
  • Fixed quota checking when updating Custom Group.

Studio Modeler

  • Allow usage of the new "List elements required" constraint on mutlivalued schema fields.
  • Fixed sync studio project dependencies resources.

Learn More

More information about released changes and fixed bugs is available in our bug tracking tool.

Previous Release Notes

 Release Date  Summary
January 2024 Connect/Account Managment
July 2023 Structure templates
April 2023 ElasticSearch Mapping
February 2023 Studio Modeler
July 2022 Disable/Re-enable features coming from dependencies
May 2022 ‘Manual Field’ in default sort
March 2022 Technical Upgrade and New Version Numbering
February 2022 Facet Manager in Studio
December 2021 Increase in the Max Number of Users per Organisation and Removal of 11.x Platform in Studio
November 2021 Update All Button in Application Definition
September 2021 Multi-Layer public release and Marketplace changes
August 2021 Multi-Layer and Elasticsearch
July 2021 Accessibility improvements for Studio Designer
June 2021 CTRL + S Feature and Trial Registration Cache Resolution
May 2021 Web UI by default in Studio and recursive registries resolution
April 2021 Document Trashed and Untrashed event handlers
March 2021 Update of Studio Designer Catalog
January to February 2021 Range Support for Marketplace Packages
July to September 2020 Automatically generated translation keys, interface for account management
June 2020 Improved layout blocks experience
May 2020 Widgets Drag and Drop Instead of Mode
April 2020 Improved Visual Layout Configuration Experience
February / March 2020 Custom icons support, security improvements
January 2020 Automatically switch to a new branch
December 2019 Layout Inheritance for faster layout configuration