
HOWTO: Create and Use Document Facets

Updated: February 25, 2025

Document facets can be attached dynamically to implement specific business logic.

Hyland University


Enabling a facet on a Nuxeo document adds additional functionality. Facets can be used to attach a schema to a document. It can be interpreted by Nuxeo Web UI to display additional data or views of the document, like:

  • Folderish: Can be a parent to specified document types.
  • NXTag: Can be tagged, includes the tag schema.
  • Picture/Video: Changes how the document is displayed to show document conversions, multimedia information extraction.
  • etc.

Use Case

We will create a new facet, entitled ValidityFacet, which is applied to any approved document. The facet is linked to a custom schema called validity which provided information about the validity period of a document.

Create the Validity Schema

  1. In Studio Modeler, create a new external schema in Configuration > Content Model > Schemas, called validity.
  2. Add two Date properties: ValidityStartFrom and ValidityEndsIn.

Create the Validity Facet

  1. In Studio Modeler, create a new facet in Configuration > Content Model > Facets, called ValidityFacet.
  2. Add the validity schema to the Associated Schemas.

At this step, you should see the ValidityFacet entry in the Definition screen of your document type.

Add Business Logic

Nuxeo Studio exposes the Document.AddFacet automation operation so that you can add the facet dynamically:

  • You can execute it from an Event Handler (Like On Document Created event with some criteria, like the document location, or the document lifecycle state in our example).
  • You can also trigger this operation from a button, created in Nuxeo Studio Designer.

Design Your Visual Element

There is no default UI component for the facet, so it needs to be created manually, either from the UI > Layout Blocks menu, or directly in the Resources tab.

Then, you can add the following condition in your elements and layouts to display or not the facet information:

<template is="dom-if" if="[[hasFacet(document, 'ValidityFacet')]]">
  <!-- Code of the UI element displaying the facet information -->