
June 2020

Updated: February 25, 2025

Released Changes

Properties Filtering in Layouts

When configuring layouts visually, a quick search lets you filter through the options you can drag and drop.

properties filtering

Layout Blocks Drag and Drop

When configuring document layouts, your layout blocks are available from the toolbox just as you expect them to be. Dragging and dropping a layout block shows its whole content so that you get a more realistic preview.

layout blocks catalog

Layout Blocks Configuration Experience

When configuring a layout block, get the ability to undo / redo your changes and keyboard shortcuts.

New Look for the Dashboard

Your dashboard at has a brand new look.

connect dashboard look update
connect dashboard look update

Other Noteworthy Mentions

  • "System" schema is not added when configuring a UI element related to a page provider, to prevent errors (NXS-5876)