
November 2021

Updated: February 25, 2025

Multi-layer Improvements

We’ve made it to the dependencies panel in multi-layer will align to the check-out branch, allowing easier collaboration on a project. We’ve made sure that locking dependencies for a release applies to Studio Projects only, to avoid outdated packages being used in projects.

Update All Button in Application Definition in Studio

In order to mass update all dependencies that are outdated, as in many events it will be several, we’ve added an Update All button.

We’ve fixed the use of logical operators in property changed in Before document modification event handler when using more than 1 property in field Current document properties have changed, logical operators OR or AND are used to generate the expression, they didn’t and now work.

HiddenInCreation Facet

The default facet HiddenInCreation which already existed OOTB (like Picture, HiddenInNavigation, Commentable, ....), is now available in the menu Studio menu.

Marketplace Improvements

We’ve fixed a range of small bugs on the Marketplace and reviewed the short descriptions.