Studio Icons Index

Updated: April 3, 2024

Generic Icons

Add icon. Used on most of the screens to add a new item in a form.
Delete icon. Used on most of the screens to remove a new item in a form.
Delete all Used to empty the form.
Edit icon. Used to display the edit window of an item, such as a widget.
Edit cell icon. Enables to merge cell with cell on the right or left to the current cell.
More icon. Used to display more actions on the table cells.
Insert before icon. Used to insert a column or a row before the current one.
Insert after icon. Used to insert a column or a row after the current one.
Move up icon. Used to move current row one level up.
Down icon. Used to move current row one level down.
Import icon. Used to import a element defined somewhere else (for instance another layout).
Resize icon. Used to resize the element, typically a table.
Block inheritance icon. Used in Structure Template menu.
Rename icon.
Expression builder
Copy icon
Help icon
Subwidget edit icon
Studio Burger icon

Lifecycle Icons

Icon Description
Initial state icon. Icon for the initial state of a lifecycle.
State icon. Icon used for any state of a lifecycle, except the initial state.

Workflow Icons

Simple node
Start node
Stop node
Accept / Reject task
Approve task
Multiple task
Simple task
Fork in two branches
Fork in three branches

Branches and Sources Management Icons

Commit icon
Push icon. Shows the number of commits that will be pushed.
Pull icon. Shows the number of commits that are available from other developers.