Released Changes
Consistent Notifications
Whenever you work in Studio Modeler and Studio Designer, notifications:
- always appear on the bottom left
- benefit from a higher contrast to be easily seen
- can be closed to avoid hiding other elements temporarily
Security Improvements
Nuxeo Online Services is improved to enhance security and may require actions on your end. Learn how to adapt to this change.
Custom Icons Support
In Studio Designer, a new option lets you upload a custom SVG icon for your buttons and drawer menu entries.
Conflict Management
Conflict management screen is updated to provide a better experience:
- Long lines are wrapped
- It is easier to understand which file you are picking when doing the selection
Summary view:

Detailed view:

Other Noteworthy Mentions
- Files in the Studio Designer resources tab can be renamed/moved when the destination name is almost similar (NXS-5570)
- Workflow transitions configuration are drawn correctly in all situations (NXS-4682)
- Cancelling changes in a workflow task configuration works correctly (NXS-5261)
- Workflow variables are available even if you didn't save the workflow yet (NXS-5255)