This page lists values that cannot be used when naming a field or a schema, because they are used internally (either by Nuxeo of by the database) and using the same values will lead to conflicts and incompatibility.
The following values are case insensitive (a field named XMIN
of xmin
will be rejected), unless mentioned otherwise.
- cmin
- cmax
- content
- ctid
- id
- oid
- tableoid
- xmax
- xmin
- ListType
- Type
These are case sensitive. For example, my_Field_Type
is rejected, while my_field_type
is accepted.
- aclr
- fsc_
- fsd_
- jbpm_
- jena_
- nxp_
- oauth
- search_
- uitypesconf_
- AdvancedSearch (advancedsearch)
- _as
- _cv
- _pp
- _vnav
- aCP
- acls
- advanced_search
- allowedStateTransitions
- ancestors
- basicauditsearch
- bas_eventcategories
- bas_eventids
- cacheKey
- class
- comment
- component
- content
- content_roots
- contextData
- continent
- coreSession
- country
- currentLifeCycleState
- dataModels
- dataModelsCollection
- declaredFacets
- declaredSchemas
- digestauth
- directory_configuration
- documentsLists
- documentType
- ecm
- eventCategories
- eventTypes
- externalGadgets
- faceted_search
- facets
- flags
- folder
- fs
- fulltext
- gadget
- group2group
- groups
- hierarchy
- hierarchy_read_acl
- id
- image_metadata
- iptc
- l10ncoverage
- l10nsubjects
- language
- lifeCyclePolicy
- lock
- locks
- misc
- moderators
- name
- nt_actors
- parentRef
- parts
- path
- pathAsString
- pictemplate
- picturebook
- post
- prefetch
- property
- protocol
- proxies
- publish_sections
- querynav
- ref
- relatedtextresource
- relation
- relation_inverse_predicates
- relation_predicates
- relation_search
- rel_srch_ecm_path
- repositories
- repositoryName
- schemas
- searchlocalconfiguration
- sessionId
- simpleconfigurationparameter
- sourceId
- space
- status
- subject
- subtopic
- system
- tag
- task
- taskcomment
- taskusers
- task_variable
- theme_configuration
- title
- topic
- type
- typetocv
- type_task
- uid
- ui_types_configuration
- user2group
- userprofile
- users
- usersubscription
- versionLabel
- versions
- view
- wchtml
- wcopensocial
- webcontent
- webpage
- yuilayout
- yuiunit